Camping Etoile d'Argens
27 July - Departure
Our Ecolodge model is becoming very popular! During our 2021 season, many television channels and other media came over to visit our campsite. Click here to some of the news reports recorded on our campsite. Several TV channels have shown an interest in our Ecolodge model. French channel, BFM TV recorded a report here at the Ecolodge during Ascension weekend about the upcoming wave of tourists, and the particularly high percentage of French holidaymakers that season. After the pandemic and two years of COVID, open-air establishments began adapting in order to respond to a very-last minute demand from holidaymakers. Watch the report here: Following that, another French channel, Azur TV arrived at our campsite to do a report of their own. This report was a chance to analyse the recorded bookings and the percentage of foreign clientèle expected for the upcoming summer on this site. You can watch the video here: Michel Raffaelli, founder of the Ecolodge, travelled to Marseilles to the set of French TV channel, France 3 with Eric Charay to appear on the show “Ensemble c’est mieux”(Better Together), broadcast from Mondays to Fridays at 10:45 am. The show broadcast a special topic on the flourishing campsite which was just beginning to make a name for itself, particularly during the year 2021. You can watch the episode on replay here: Both the Ecolodge and campsite chain, Maeva Respire were also part of a news topic on French TV channel, CNEWS. The topic aimed to highlight the activities proposed at the campsite in Var, which were almost already fully booked between July and August. The TV report also spoke about the importance of protective measures and the instalment of proper health codes. We realised our tourist guests were looking to escape the virus and everything linked to it during their holiday. Watch the CNEWS report here: On the 14th July at 8:50 pm, our Ecolodge was also broadcast on French TV channel, France 5 during Prime Time as part of an episode of “Sale temps pour la planète” (Hard Times for Our Planet). Roughly 10 minutes of the show was dedicated to our Ecolodge L’Etoile d’Argens Campsite in order to highlight how our site is adapting to climate imbalance. Our campsite has adapted and prepared our campsite for any eventual flood risks by installing a hoisting system under our mobile-homes for our guests’ safety.